QUESTIONS TO ASK THE NEPHROLOGIST? stage of my kidney function and Progression?
When I visit my Nephrologist, I need to know what to ask.
questions to ask my Nephrologist – online nephrologist
Good day Dr Rifai. Can you tell me a little bit more about what’s going on with me?
This is a classic question that I get when patients come to see the nephrologist in his office. I’m going to tell you as a patient what to ask me as your nephologist for you to understand a lot more about your kidney disease. Here are the five questions that I want you to ask me, so I feel comfortable at the end of the interview that I explain to you what your medical history is, and what is the status of your kidney disease. Our home page is the hub…
Here are the five questions to ask my Nephrologist
ONE: Doctor, where is my creatinine? and what is the value? Anytime the creatinine rises, and the value is high, that means you have kidney disease and you have progression in your kidney disease. Based on that creatinine, we can calculate your GFR or Glomerular Filtration Rate, which is actually a surrogate of a percentage of your kidney function.
TWO: that I want you to ask me.
Doctor, what stage of kidney disease I am in?
Stage one is early kidney disease. Stage five is pre-dialysis or right at dialysis stage.
So ask me what stage you’re in. The way to know what stage you’re in, is when you find out what is your Glomerular Filtration Rate, GFR or percentage, you measure and see what percentage you’re in, and you can tell by clicking on the bio below which takes you to a link to stages of chronic kidney disease.
THREE: I want you to ask me, Doctor, do I have protein in the urine? What is the status of my urine?
The answer: why it is important? Because urine will tell me if it has protein that you have kidney disease. If a protein is getting worse that means your kidney function is deteriorating, and we’re not successful in managing your kidney disease.
FOUR: that I want to ask you, “my doctor” is the following:
Based on Q1 Q2 and Q3, was I the same 3 months ago or 6 months ago? OR am I worse? OR am I better?
So you owe it to your patient as a nephologist, and you as a patient have the right to ask your doctor, Where was I 6 months ago and where am I today? That is THE LOGICAL question, because you can predict based on that pace, are you stable? are you getting worse? or are you getting better?
FIVE: Doctor, am I taking the right medications that will protect my kidneys? These are the three sets of medications that you need to know: The first set is the ACE inhibitors and its cousins. The second set which are a new class of medications are named the Flozins or SGLT2 inhibitors, and the third are statins.
But, this is in addition to all the life modifying measures that you need to do to reduce your cardiovascular risk. If you smoke, then stop smoking. If you’re not eating healthy. and if you’re not exercising and so forth.
These are the most common questions to ask my Nephrologist.